4 Signs Your Home Has Poor Indoor Air Quality
You might not think about the quality of the air you’re breathing indoors, but it’s actually a crucial factor in your overall health. Poor IAQ can result in health problems, from headaches and fatigue to difficulty breathing. Here are four signs your Ropesville, TX, home has poor IAQ.
1. You Have Allergies or Asthma That Seem to Get Worse Indoors
If you find that your allergies or asthma only seem to act up when you’re inside, it could be due to poor IAQ. Dust mites, biological growth, and animal dander are all common triggers and thrive in environments with poor IAQ.
2. You’re Experiencing More Cold and Flu Symptoms Lately
If you’ve been feeling extra run down or have been coming down with more colds than usual, it’s a sign of poor IAQ. When airborne contaminants circulate through your home, they can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness.
3. Your Eyes, Nose, or Throat get Irritated While Indoors
When your eyes feel dry or irritated, your throat feels scratchy, or you have persistent headaches indoors, it can be linked to poor IAQ. These symptoms result from exposure to airborne irritants like dust or chemicals. If these symptoms disappear once you leave home, it’s a good indication that the air quality is to blame.
4. Your Home Feels Stuffier Than Usual
If you’ve noticed the air in your home has been feeling stuffy or stagnant lately, it’s likely due to a lack of ventilation. Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining healthy IAQ by ensuring fresh air circulates throughout a space. Improve ventilation and air quality by turning off your HVAC system and opening the windows.
If you’re looking for effective indoor air quality services, contact Integra Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We offer a variety of solutions to fit your needs and budget.
Image provided by iStock
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